Abstract The optimal duration of hospital stay following admission for acute severe asthma is difficult to determine. An asthmatic is at particularly high risk of sudden death in…

Continue Reading An attempt to determine the optimal duration of hospital stay following a severe attack of asthma.

Abstract Twelve patients (8 men), aged 33-67 (mean 49) years, with histologically proved sarcoidosis underwent bronchoscopy. All had symptoms, signs (wheeze in 11, high pitched inspiratory "squeaks" in…

Continue Reading Bronchoscopic and bronchographic findings in 12 patients with sarcoidosis and severe or progressive airways obstruction.

Abstract A case of rabies was treated with intensive medical support. This led to a prolongation of life to 25 days. The neurologic progression of the disease was…

Continue Reading Human rabies: clinical features, diagnosis, complications, and management.

Abstract A total of 150 patients were treated for tetanus in the tetanus ward of the J. J. Hospital, Bombay, between October 1983 and January 1986. The complications…

Continue Reading Tetanus and its complications: intensive care and management experience in 150 Indian patients.

Abstract A patient operated upon for a midline cerebellar hemangioblastoma developed failure of automatic respiration during sleep, together with central sleep apnea syndrome, approximately two years after receiving…

Continue Reading Radiation necrosis causing failure of automatic ventilation during sleep with central sleep apnea.